The select shop "BENTO" is located in a quiet residential area in a renovated old house. We hope that opening the door will always be a pleasure, just like opening your daily lunch box. The entrance of BENTO, where the curtain rustle in the breeze, has the charm of a Japanese-style house and you can feel it's welcoming aura. On the 1st floor of the store, in addition to local artists and folk art tableware, the owner, Katayama-san, who is from Tokushima, sells a wide variety of products such as seasonings and foods made specially in Shikoku. On the 2nd floor, men's and women's fashion wear such as YAECA, STYLE CRAFT, and DIGAWEL are lined up. The carefully selected items are all exciting, and the friendly talk with Katayama-san is also a point that makes you want to revisit.

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  • website:
  • Address: 910-0024 Terute 2-Chome 4-5, Fukui City, Fukui Prefecture
  • Tel .: 0776-97-5375
  • Business days: No holidays (except New Year's Eve and New Year's Day)
  • 10: 00: 19: 00